ADR Exam – Dangerous Goods Training online or in Classroom with Exam on Friday in Glasgow


ADR Exam - Dangerous Goods Training with Exam.

Packages only : £469.00
Packages with 21hrs DCPC upload : £495.25
Tanks & Packages : £564.00
Tanks & Packages with 28hrs DCPC upload : £599.00

OPTON TO ADD Driver CPC training hours onto exams
**Claim 21 Driver CPC Periodic Training Hours for the 3.5 Day ADR Course by paying the £26.25 upload fee (needs known before the course starts)
**Claim 28 Driver CPC Periodic Training Hours for the 5 Day ADR Course by paying the £35.00 upload fee (needs known before the course starts)

PACKAGES ONLY : ADR Training Course Content – Core Packages and 7 Classes – 3.5 days : £469.00
Drivers wishing to carry goods just in packages are not required to attend the Tanks Module.

Attendance can be remotely (using Zoom) or in our Glasgow classroom for Days 1 to 3. The Driver then attends invigilated examinations on the Friday (1/2 day).

Core Module

*Classes of dangerous goods
*Carriage of dangerous goods legislation and regulations
*Vehicle markings
*Load types, load restrictions, and load segregation
*Protection – PPE and safety equipment
*Practical exercises
*Accidents & Emergency aid

*Package types & labelling
*UN approval marking
*Goods in Limited quantities
*7 ‘Common’ Classes Of Dangerous Goods and their Sub-Divisions

Class 2 Gasses
*Division 2.1 Flammable Gas
*Division 2.2 Non-Flammable, Non-Toxic Gas
*Division 2.3 Toxic Gas

Class 3 Flammable Liquids
Class 4 Flammable Solids
*Division 4.1 Flammable Solids
*Division 4.2 Spontaneously Combustible Substance
*Division 4.3 Substances which in contact with water emits Flammable Gas

Class 5 Oxidising Agents and Organic Peroxides
*Division 5.1 Oxidising Substance
*Division 5.2 Organic Peroxide

Class 6 Toxic and Infectious Substances
*Division 6.1 Toxic Substance
*Division 6.2 Infectious Substance

Class 8 Corrosive Substances

Class 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

ADR Training Course Content Tanks – 1.5 days
*Loading and unloading
*Loading levels
*Vehicle rollover
*Static electricity
*Tanker vehicle markings

TANKS & PACKAGES : Those wishing to carry goods in tanks as well, attend (using Zoom OR Glasgow classroom) for the first 4 days and sit invigilated examinations on the Friday (09:00 to 14:45 with a break in between exams) : £564.00


Stevie Thompson




Start: August 19, 2024 8:00am

End: August 23, 2024 2:45pm


Broad Street, Glasgow G40 2QR, UK

© Sure Training 2024